
Tzedoko box campaign

  • Join our Pushkah Campaign

    A container is defined by its contents (e.g., a pitcher of water is water). A house, too, is defined by what is inside it. By displaying a charity box, your house is a house of charity.

    Our sages teach that giving charity is one of the greatest sources of blessings for our families. Place a few coins in your charity box each day not just because we need the money but because " you want to give"!

    You can do it in memory of someone close to your heart or in honour of an upcoming event or occasion. And you can do it again and again, making your hand a giving hand and your home and office charitable enterprises.

    You’ll be surprised how quickly your pocket change can add up 

    Please fill out the information below so we can send you a charity box or collect one that is full. 

    Credit Card
    Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page.
    Please send to
    Lubavitch of Edgware
    230 Hale Lane
    HA8 9PZ

    Thank you
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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